Chocolate Recipes
I admit it. I’m a chocoholic. I get the cravings, go for the impulsive purchases and sometimes experience withdrawal. I’ve learned to live with it…all in small doses, right?
However, this Monday is my birthday and I am easing any regulation on my chocolate intake. I’ll live life to the fullest, any chocolate-covered way possible. If I could, I would taste test all of the follow chocolate dessert recipes. Why choose one?!

Salted Caramel Chocolate Shortbread Bars- this recipe comes from one of my favorite Brooklyn coffee shops, Baked! Photo by: Anne @Annie’s Eats
Do you have the chocolate-lovers gene? Tell me about your chocolate recipe of choice here!
Thanks so much for including my cheesecake pie:-) It disappeared very quickly in our kitchen!!
So many other delicious recipes that I need to check out!
Thanks Katie, I crave chocolate once a month, and I make something chocolate or buy some chocolate each month. I can’t wait to try these chocolate recipes.
Well Happy Birthday and enjoy your day of chocolate! You certainly picked a fabulous variety of recipes to sample!
My husband just made me a birthday cake this past weekend! He was smart in that he made a double batch of chocolate frosting because he knew I’d have my fingers in it! And he was right – fresh made chocolate frosting is sooooo good.
Happy Birthday to you!