A wreath for all seasons…
I went to select a new V-day wreath for my front door and the price took my breath away! Why? Why does it have to be so expensive to show holiday spirit? Shouldn’t us hard working, front-door-decorating, seasonal-embracing people get a discount or at the least have tax exempt status for brightening our family, friends and neighbors lives?
I view my dedication to the ever evolving holiday schedule as a community service. Growing up whenever we would drive past someone’s house that was all dolled up for the holidays my mother would say in a hush tone “bless those people as they are working so hard”. I could not agree more.
So, this post is for all of you like minded people who are addictied to changing your front door decor for any and every holiday. You do not have to break the bank just start with a simple elegant wreath and then add adornments depending on your theme. Then you are just paying the initial cost of the basic wreath and very little for your add-ons.
In the below photos you will see a wreath I had in storage in my basement as well as packs of hearts perched on wire sticks that made it easy to attach for only 5 bucks a pack.

Reusable wreath from previous holidays.
Pick your festive additions.

Valentine’s Day Hearts
Have fun placing all the festive objects in an order you’d like.

Valentine Wreath Coming Together
Hang on your door for all to see.

My Valentine’s Day door
So I say keep dazzling the passersby without spending too many pennies by investing in a wreath for all seasons . Hopefully this will help until legislation is passed for neighborly holiday decor tax credit. (A crafter for our next President? Just a thought.)
Are you all decorating this year? If so, how you are spreading the love? Tell us on Facebook or Twitter. Need more ideas? Valentine’s for the kids. Breakfast in Bed. For Friends.
Hello Katie I just watched you on creat I would like to make the Granola. Need ingredients