Bedazzled Vintage Trays

Katie Brown Original


  • Serving trays
  • Chalkboard paint
  • Old or broken costume jewelry
  • Hot glue gun
  • Foam brush
  • Needle nose pliers (to pull apart jewelry, if necessary)



  1. Using a foam brush, paint the bottom of the tray with chalkboard paint. Let dry and apply another coat.
  2. Arrange jewelry on dry surface.
  3. Hot glue jewelry to your tray. Work in sections, applying one piece at a time.



  • Find inexpensive trays at any thrift store.
  • Let the chalkboard paint dry in between coats so that it dries smooth.
  • Use the elements of design! Group things in multiples and layer your jewelry when possible. Stick to a general color scheme.
  • When you have house guests, write a message on their tray and place in their room with fresh flowers.