Bedazzled Vintage Trays
- Serving trays
- Chalkboard paint
- Old or broken costume jewelry
- Hot glue gun
- Foam brush
- Needle nose pliers (to pull apart jewelry, if necessary)
- Using a foam brush, paint the bottom of the tray with chalkboard paint. Let dry and apply another coat.
- Arrange jewelry on dry surface.
- Hot glue jewelry to your tray. Work in sections, applying one piece at a time.
- Find inexpensive trays at any thrift store.
- Let the chalkboard paint dry in between coats so that it dries smooth.
- Use the elements of design! Group things in multiples and layer your jewelry when possible. Stick to a general color scheme.
- When you have house guests, write a message on their tray and place in their room with fresh flowers.