Spring Fling: Everything Craft Room
The room that gets our creative juices flowing the most is definitely the arts and crafts room. Oh, the fun we all have getting creative together. But, oh the mess we make. Although this is the room where we let loose we find it most efficient to keep it organized. It’s not hard! And, you’ll actually be able to find your supplies when you need it. Don’t go crazy looking for those googly eyes anymore.
You’ve gotta contain your crafts. Here’s how:
As important as it is to maintain the craft madness we also know how important it is to quickly grab it and go. Get crafty on the road.
So, we say step outside and take the craft room with you. Get creative among the creatures and clouds.
Try these projects this Spring:
1. Making Tracks
2. Instant Nature Friends
3. Make Your Own Kite
And, when everything has it’s own home there won’t be bottomless bins of random items.
Once all those great paintings and drawings are made where do you keep them all?
We love printing digital books of artwork.

Scan, print, and bind artwork to keep for the years to come.
We love using Blurb, iphoto, and Snapfish. But, there are so many great ones out there! Even head to your local printer.
How do you incorporate nature and arts and crafts? Tell us by commenting below! We love to hear fresh, new ideas all the time.
great ideas
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