Recipes with Winter Citrus

Clementines, kumquats, blood oranges, grapefruits, lemons…are you puckering up yet? Winter citrus acts like a shot of adrenline in the heart of those hearty heavy cold-weather standards. Just when you feel like another potato might bury you, bring in a spritz of your favorite Vitamin C-infused fruit and you’ll be feeling light as a feather in no time.

Here are 5 great recipes to test out your citrus squeezing and slicing skills. Be sure to scroll down to see the most beautiful cake filled with citrus goodness (via ApollinaS).

Grapefruit and Avocado Salad with Shrimp, Photo by: Renee Kohlman

Orzo with Citrus and Fennel Recipe, Photo by: Jodi Pudge

Salmon Tacos with Beet-Citrus Salsa Recipe, Photo by: Cara Lyons

Sauteed Chicken with Citrus Salsa Recipe, Photo by: Patrice Berry

Citrus Cake with Lemon and Orange Icing Recipe, Photo by: Apollina S

Want more citrus in your life? Try even more quick and simple recipes from the Katie Brown Workshop archives:
Jerk Chicken with Citrus Salsa Recipe
Orange and Olive Salad with Basil Vinaigrette
Clementine Drink Recipe
Lobster and Lemon Mashed Potatoes

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