Windows and Doors To Your Soul
We love how practical meets playful where regular old doors and windows are revealed as treasured pieces. Repurposing is a fun way to add charm and whimsey to your space. So go ahead, spot that diamond in the rough and try your next upcycle project.
An old door frame now chic as a standing mirrorSpotted on Dreamy Whites
An upcycled door adds interest to a once dull corner.Spotted on Craftaholics Anonymous
Painted and modge podged, these wood plaques
make great frames for your cherished photos.Spotted on Small and Chic Home
Lot’s of storage in this window coffee table.
Spotted on Upcycle That
Add a vintage feel using black and white photos
showcased in distressed window frames.
Spotted on Etsy
This baby greenhouse catches the sun rays.Spotted on Design Dreams
Random salvaged windows and doors
create a modern meets vintage greenhouse.Spotted on Inspiration Green