Pink Piano Magic!

Spotted On Pinterest

When I was around eleven I played in my first piano recital. I was so excited because I was playing a piece where you used two hands. I got a new turtle neck and jumper with matching knee socks for the occasion. I was beyond thrilled! It happened at our local music store and the performance area filled up quickly with family and friends. I was to go on about mid way through the show. When my time came I walked out on the stage, I took my seat at the the piano, placed my fingers on the keyboard and froze. That is right nothing, I could not move. I was overcome with fright. I sat, I breathed, I tried to make my fingers move but nothing. I can not even tell you what happened next, I think I finally must have made some piano noise. Mostly I remember my trembling. Needless to say that was my first and last time to play the piano for others. However, that has not stopped me from trying to get my girls to tickle the ivories. They have been taking lessons on an inexpensive electric keyboard. However, the time has come to invest in their inevitable debut but pianos are not cheap. When I find the the few I can afford they look just awful but usually play well. Then it hit me! How about a piano facelift preformed with some delightful colored paint? Perhaps a joyous happy makeover is just what my little ones need to keep the FUN in the MUSIC?

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