All was Merry and Bright! I so hope you all had a JOLLY Christmas. We sure did. From our Christmas PJ’s (Yep we are that dorky) to our simple meal of sloppy joe casserole to our holiday tree and of course to fun times with Grandma Patsy … was a GREAT one this year.

All dolled up for Christmas Church Service where both of them sang in the choir.

I keep it simple with a sloppy joe casserole for our post service meal.

We also dinned on a robust salad complete with festive pomegranates.

And of course we had to feed Santa.

But not until we ALL yes ALL got into out jingle jams …..are we silly or what?

Watching a Christmas Story with Grandma.

In the glow of our tree! Nothing better!

And of course the morning stair game ….one step up ….two back ….the anticipation gets intense!