Stitched Leaf


  • Artificial leaves or ferns
  • Ready-made frame
  • Thick white art paper
  • Cardboard (2 sheets)
  • Green paper
  • Jute string
  • Awl
  • Scissors


  1. Place your leaf on the paper and with an awl, trace around and all the way to the top of the leaf stem by punching holes into your paper about every ½ inch. If you work on top of a piece of cardboard, you can get a good clean punch. Trace around the leafy part approximately every 2 inches.

  2. Starting either at the top or the bottom, sew the leaf to the paper using your string. Make a knot at the beginning and end as a stopper.

  3. Attach the leaf piece to your green paper by sewing a little “x” in the four corners of the paper.

  4. Place the entire piece into your frame.