Stationary Organizer
- Fabric
- Fusible web bonding material, ¾ inch wide
- Damp cloth
- Leather cord
- 3 file folders
- Pinking sheers
- Iron
- Hole punch
With your pinking sheers, cut one 15 x 34 inch piece of fabric—this will be your backing. For the pockets, cut three 13 ¼ x 9 ½ inch pieces of the same fabric.
Lay flat your piece of backing and place your three pockets evenly spaced on top. Attach your pockets on the two short sides and one long side with your fusible web bonding material. (You place the web material between the two pieces of fabric, cover with a damp cloth, and iron at a high temperature with steam.)
Label your three file folders and slip them into your pockets.
Punch a hole in the middle of one short side of the fabric and knot one piece of 3-foot leather cord through each hole.
Fold up your pockets and wrap the cord around your stationery bundle.