Do Not Waste A Bloom Or A Dime…Window Boxes
Today we want to address a dilemma by one of our followers, Heather Ann Cook. She wants to embrace the colors of Fall in her boxes, beds, and planters but they are still sporting the blooms of the summer in all their pastel beauty. She also wants to be mindful of her budget. Well all of us here at the workshop say…
1. More is more….Add to your existing pots with a few small hints of the fall season.
2. Keep on trucking……..Pull out the plants that are past their prime and replace them with seasonal gems.
3. Let the colors explode….No worries if you combine the summery pinks and purples with the reds and golds of fall as they reflect the transitional color palette of mother nature herself and her combinations are always divine.
4. Little by Little……Do not break the bank because if you slowly transform your garden by starting small, combing and then weeding you are getting every last drip of beauty and stretching your investment out in installments.
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