5 Simple April Fools’ Day Pranks Your Kids Will Love

An April Fool’s Day prank done right can lead to so much joy and satisfaction, but it shouldn’t take a ton of planning and prep work to get some giggles out of your little ones. Here are a handful of simple pranks that will leave your little ones giddy without leaving your exhausted.

Pour a cup of undrinkable juice! (It’s actually Jello!)

jello juice (Spotted on iVillage)

Turn your fruit bowl into a gaggle of google-y eyed little buddies!

google fruit

(Spotted on Moo Moo Kachoo)

Washing up before dinner just got a whole lot weirder! (Thanks to a touch of blue food coloring)

blue water

(Spotted on Martha Stewart)

“Hey kids, I baked you a fresh batch of Brown E’s!”


(Spotted on 9gag)

The water bottle you can’t pick up! AFTBwaterbottleprank-8 (Spotted on All for the Boys)


Asparagus for dessert!


(Spotted on Sweetapolita)