Super Bowl Decoration

It’s two days away, the Sunday football event of the year. And, as much as we have planned for this day there is always a last minute need for something quick. Yes, the focus will be the t.v. screen, but some football decor will make the event a little more festive, and it’s so simple.

Bring on the lemons! It’s genius since they are naturally football shaped, easy to find, and inexpensive. Your guests might even be tempted to grab a lemon or two for those halftime passes in the backyard.

A little side note: feel free to use those not so pretty lemons, the ones you wouldn’t want to serve to anyone, but would be perfect with a little brown disguise.

Lemon Football Vase, photo by: Katie Brown

What you’ll need…

  • Glass vase
  • Brown spray paint (1 can)
  • White electrical tape or white paint
  • 12-18 inch dowel
  • Team pennant
  • 20 lemons (give or a take a few)
  • Scissors
  • Hot glue
  • Drop cloth or newspaper

Get started…

  1. Paint the lemons brown and allow to dry
  2. For the stripes and laces, cut thin strips of electrical tape and apply to lemons (you can also use white paint with a steady hand)
  3. Glue pennant to a dowel
  4. Place lemons in the glass vase or fish bowl and gently insert pennant

If you want to add some more sentiment paint “Super Bowl 46” or “Giants v Patriots” on the lemons.

Let the games begin. I can’t wait to hear about all your Super Bowl festivities as I’m sure you all have great ideas! Tweet at me or post on my Facebook wall.

6 replies
  1. Bill Henderson
    Bill Henderson says:

    Dear Katie;

    I am a major fan of yours. If someone asked me who’s the most attractive woman in tv/entertainment?”, would I say Katie Perry?….NOT!! “Katie Brown!”. You are never more alluring than when you have a little glue in your hair and paint on your finger-tips! Your devotion of time and loving effort to your arts-and-crafts projects for the home or to produce delicious meals is very appealing.

    However, today I saw some shocking tv … and it was on your show! Today I saw you kill a basketball and a football! And what were these instruments of athletic endeavor sacrificed for? To become flower pots! OMG! Katie, I love you for your arts-and-crafts, but this dear, is too much.

    It wasn’t so bad with the basketball. That was just a “balloon”-ball with no inner bladder (not a real basketball). But the football was the real thing,/strong> – leather skin with an inner bladder. IT was a shocking display … and from Katie Brown!

    Katie, please be advised, a husband or ‘significant other’ who is a sports fan would be of two minds when observing these articles from which many kids could get hours of fun playing with, savagely turned into flower pots!

    Next year maybe you could make them out of clay or something else (I know you could think of something).

    Nonetheless, I remain your devoted fan,

  2. john
    john says:

    My wife and I agree….after seeing the old episode where you took a perfectly good basketball and football to make table ornaments…well it seemed decadent and wasteful and probably a sports fan’s least favorite thing you could do wth their equipment…..I could see if they were both ruined (having bought them recently…..they are not cheap at all.)…I am sure you could find something ridiculously cheap at at thrift store or your hotglue gun emporium kraft outlet to achieve the same result.
    Taking perfectly good sports equipment to make centerpieces for a televised game where most of the watchers/participants could care less about anything holding their chips and hotwings might have been a weak choice from your crew.


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  1. […] ALERT!!!  Katie Brown turned lemons into mini footballs and created a fun Super Bowl […]

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