Snowmen Craft Projects
The art of the snowman is a delicate one. 1. You have to have a good amount of snow on the ground. 2. You have to have that perfect consistency of packing snow at your disposal. 3. You have to endure the elements long enough to roll up those three big snowballs.
When the stars don’t align for the your snowman-building skills to shine, consider bringing it indoors! Gather up a few household craft supplies and ditch the mittens. Here are 5 fun snowmen projects for when it’s either too warm or too cold for a day in the snow.

Not just for Christmas: make snowmen out of buttons and felt to decorate your winter windows. Or make it a magnet! Photo by: Kristin @UrbanPaisley

Turn a white lunch bag into a snowman with some paper cutouts and gems. Decorate your mantel or use as a gift bag. Photo via: Family Fun

Make snowmen with mason jars, styrofoam balls and odds and ends from your craft supply bin. Photo by: Grace @Sense and Simplicity
Here is even more snow-inspired fun for inside or outside:
Snow Play
Simply Stuck Inside
Katie, I have been a fan since you began your first tv show. I felt like I knew you and to tell the truth I did many years ago in Petoskey. In 1972 my family moved from Ferndale (metro detroit) to Petoskey after accepting a position @ Petoskey Plastics for Paul Keiswetter. Paul & Linda Keiswetter found our new home on Mitchell street near the Community College. Welcome Wagan introduced us to town and within no time we were connected. I will always miss the Winter Sports Park, speed skating was my dtrs passion, Do you still have your STUMP JUMPER? We took ours when we moved back to Detroit in 1978. The Big Boy , Burns Clinic, Kilwins, Petoskey State Park.. . . . I met your mother thru Linda Keiswetter when they lived on the corner of Mitchell St. We rented an adorable home on Mitchell owned by the Hoffmans . (Hoffmans Nursery) before relocating in Detroit. Didn’t your mother & Linda have
a travel business together? I so wanted to attend your talk this past fall in Bloomfied but work conflicted. You are successful because you know who you are, not trying to be “like” anyone else. Keep sharing your enthusiasm with all of us. Char Flaherty
p.s. Love, Love the out takes at the end of each show!