Copper & Candles

Copper coil, steel wool, and vinegar. Doesn’t this sound like a kooky science project? Trust me on this one. This project is easy and makes the most elegant candelabra. Leave it outdoors and watch as the surface changes…



Phillips head screwdriver

Empty squirt bottle



5/8-inch x 10-foot copper coil

10 ½-inch copper ctd bells

Steel wool

Salt, 2 teaspoons

Vinegar, ½ cup

10 1-inch nails

Taper candles


  1. Stretch one end of your copper coil to approximately 2-feet round to work as the base of your standing candelabra.  Continue bending and stretching the coil upwards, making each level a little bit smaller than the one below.  Stretch the copper coil to a height of about 2 ½ feet.
  2. Insert a 1-inch nail up the center of your copper bells, and fasten them onto your coiled candelabra with the screwdriver.  Place them on sections of the coil where the candles will stand relatively upright.
  3. Distress the entire surface of the copper with the steel wool.
  4. Mix the 2 teaspoons of salt with the ½ cup of vinegar and pour into the squirt bottle.   Spray the candelabra completely with the solution and let sit over night to create a nice green patina.



Hint:  Make sure to move your candelabra away from any live plants when spraying it with the vinegar salt solution; this mixture will kill the plants.